By using computer keyboard shortcuts you can quickly perform the tasks you need. Below is a list of some important keyboard shortcuts in today's article. Hope it will be useful for you.
These articles are mainly for those who are new to computers. These keyboard shortcut options will play some role in speeding up your work.
Ctrl + A : Select all items.
Ctrl + B : Bold the selected text.
Ctrl + C : Copy selected text or files.
Ctrl + D : Bookmark the current page (in a web browser).
Ctrl + X : Cut selected text or files.
Ctrl + V : Paste copied or cut text or files.
Ctrl + Z : Undo the last action.
Ctrl + Y : Redo the last action.
Ctrl + S : Save the current document or file.
Ctrl + N : Open a new document or window.
Ctrl + P : Print the current document or file.
Ctrl + F : Find text or items in a document or webpage.
Ctrl + I : Italicize the selected text.
Ctrl + U : Underline the selected text.
Ctrl + O : Open a file.
Ctrl + W : Close the current tab or window.
Ctrl + Shift + N : Create a new folder.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc : Open Task Manager (Windows).
Ctrl + Alt + Del : Open the system options menu (Windows).
Ctrl + Tab : Switch between open tabs or windows.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab : Move backward through open tabs or windows.
Ctrl + Shift + T : Reopen the last closed tab (in a web browser).
Ctrl + Shift + P : Open a new private browsing window (in a web browser).
Ctrl + H : Open browsing history (in a web browser).
Ctrl + J : Open download history (in a web browser).
Ctrl + K : Move the cursor to the browser's search bar (in a web browser).
Ctrl + L : Highlight the URL/address bar (in a web browser).
Ctrl + Shift + Delete : Open the clear browsing data dialog (in a web browser).
Ctrl + Esc : Open the Start menu (Windows).
Ctrl + Home : Scroll to the top of a document or webpage.
Ctrl + End : Scroll to the bottom of a document or webpage.
Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow : Move the cursor one word at a time.
Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow : Scroll up or down one line at a time.
Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down : Switch between open tabs or documents.
Ctrl + + (Plus) or Ctrl + - (Minus) : Zoom in or out on a webpage.
Ctrl + 0 (Zero) : Reset the zoom level to default.
Ctrl + Shift + F : Enable or disable full-screen mode.
Ctrl + F5 : Refresh the current page (in a web browser).
Ctrl + Alt + F4 : Close the current window (Windows).
Ctrl + Shift + S : Save the current document with a different name or location.
Ctrl + Shift + C : Copy the formatting of selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + V : Paste copied text without formatting.
Ctrl + Shift + L : Convert selected text to a bullet list.
Ctrl + Shift + Numpad + or - (Plus or Minus) : Expand or collapse all items in a folder (Windows File Explorer).
Ctrl + Alt + T : Open a new terminal window (Linux).
Ctrl + Alt + De l : Open the system menu (Linux).
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Keys : Switch between workspaces (Linux).
Ctrl + Alt + Backspace : Restart the X server (Linux).
Ctrl + Shift + U : Convert selected text to uppercase.
Ctrl + Shift + L : Convert selected text to lowercase.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab : Switch between open documents or tabs in reverse order.
Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right Arrow : Select text one word at a time.
Ctrl + Shift + Home/End : Select text from the current position to the beginning or end of a line.
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up/Page Down : Select text from the current position to the top or bottom of the visible area.
Windows Key + D : Show or hide the desktop (Windows).
Windows Key + L : Lock the computer (Windows).
Windows Key + E : Open File Explorer (Windows).
Windows Key + R : Open the Run dialog box (Windows).
Windows Key + M : Minimize all windows (Windows).
Windows Key + Shift + M : Restore minimized windows (Windows).
Windows Key + Up/Down Arrow : Maximize or minimize the current window (Windows).
Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow : Snap the current window to the left or right side of the screen (Windows).
Windows Key + Tab : Open Task View, displaying all open windows and virtual desktops (Windows).
Windows Key + Print Screen : Capture a screenshot and save it to the Screenshots folder (Windows).
Alt + Tab : Switch between open applications or windows.
Alt + F4 : Close the active program or window.
Alt + Spacebar : Open the window's system menu (Windows).
F1 : Open help or support for the active program or window.
F2 : Rename a selected file or folder.
F3 : Open the search function in a program or File Explorer.
F5 : Refresh the current page or document.
F11 : Toggle full-screen mode in web browsers.
Ctrl + F4 : Close the current document or tab within an application.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc : Open Task Manager directly (Windows).
Ctrl + Shift + Tilde (~) : Switch between open windows of the same application (Windows).
Ctrl + Alt + Tab : Use arrow keys to switch between open applications (Windows).
Ctrl + Alt + Delete : Open the Windows Security screen with options to lock, switch users, or log out (Windows).
Ctrl + Shift + F4 : Close all open tabs or documents within an application.
Ctrl + Shift + B : Toggle the display of bookmarks in a web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + H : Open the browsing history in a web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + J : Open the downloads history in a web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + K : Duplicate the current tab in a web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + N : Open a new incognito/private browsing window in a web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + R : Force-refresh the current page, bypassing cache (in some web browsers).
Ctrl + Shift + T : Restore the most recently closed tab in a web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + W : Close the current window or tab in a web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right Arrow : Select text one word at a time, including punctuation.
Ctrl + Shift + Home/End : Select text from the current position to the beginning or end of a document or line.
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up/Page Down : Select text from the current position to the top or bottom of the visible area.
Ctrl + Alt + Right/Left Arrow : Rotate the screen (Windows).
Ctrl + Esc : Open the Start menu (Windows).
Ctrl + Shift + N : Create a new folder (Windows).
Ctrl + Shift + Esc : Open Task Manager (Windows).
Ctrl + Alt + Delete : Open the system options menu (Windows).
Ctrl + Alt + Tab : Switch between open applications (Windows).
Ctrl + Alt + Esc : Switch between open windows in reverse order (Windows).
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Keys : Rotate the screen (Windows).
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys : Select text or objects in a document or spreadsheet.
Ctrl + Shift + F : Change the font in a document or spreadsheet.
Ctrl + Shift + B : Open the bookmarks manager in a web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + H : Open the browsing history in a web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + P : Open a new private browsing window in a web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + Q : Log out of the current user account (Windows).
Ctrl + Shift + L : Lock the computer (Windows).
Ctrl + Shift + M : Minimize all windows (Windows).
Ctrl + Shift + T : Reopen the last closed tab in a web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + U : Change the case of selected text in a document or spreadsheet.
Ctrl + Shift + V : Paste text without formatting.
Remember that these shortcuts may vary depending on the operating system and software you are using. Additionally, different applications and programs may have their own unique keyboard shortcuts, so it's always helpful to check the documentation or help files specific to the software you're using.
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